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Monday, November 22, 2010


Oh what a fun time we're having...focusing on History, Healthy Eating, and the Digestive System!  Sounds like a some Thanksgiving Lessons to ME.  We've made apple butter, some sweets, butter, flat bread (well thats what it turned into when our yeast bread didn't rise...we'll try again).  We watched Super Size ME! YIKES!  But you get the picture, I absolutely LOVED it when on Sunday at church...when I asked all the kiddos what Thanksgiving is about...My boy was the first to say it was about GIVING THANKS to God!  Love it!  So squeeze in this week and some many great areas that these lessons lead us in to.  Somehow while I know my boys are learning so much, I feel like November and December are a bit of a break?  Not that we're slacking but there is just so much FUN, so many things that just get to the heart of who we are as a family that it's just second nature...this the way it should be. 

So I'll try and be back soon with pictures!!! Need to fill in the blanks of our recent "getaway/ florida learning adventure/family wedding! 

Love & Prayers, Heather

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